Saturday, October 9, 2010


3 day vacation!!! Heck yeah! I am so excited for this. Today was a long day. I had to work 6:30am to about 7:15 pm. I had a break in there, but it kinda sucked knowing I had to go back. But it wasn't too bad, I had to train for the night shift. Went well, but I am so glad to be done for 3 days. 
So as the title says I am going to talk about religion. I hadn't been thinking about this, until my drive back to work after my lunch break today. A song came on the radio, and no matter when I hear this song, no matter where I am, or no matter who I am with, it instantly brings me to tears. It is such an amazing song, and absolutely beautiful. I will post a link for it, and definitely check it out, so you can see what I am talking about. 

Let's just say, there was instant bawling driving back to work. Now, I definitely think, if i was a person reading this I would be like "wow Randi, you are being such a hypocrite". And I say this because I do not go to church anymore. I was raised really religiously. I went to a private school from first to eighth grade, and went to church every weekend, sometimes twice a weekend. But as I grew up, I went less and less to church to the point where I do not go anymore, and I couldn't tell you the last time I did. 
I personally feel that if someone goes to church, but drinks and smokes, and sins outside of church makes them less devoted to God than someone like me. I do not smoke, and do not drink (if I do, it's like one drink once every so many months). I work to support myself and my boyfriend, and  when I'm not at work I am focusing on something positive such as school, my family, or my boyfriend. I believe that since I have stopped going to church I have become more of a loyal, faithful person to God. 
I have turned my life around, found the love of my life instead of just finding myself in awful relationships, and made some big life decisions. 
Jesus is in my heart, and we have our relationship there. I don't need to flaunt that to other people in a church or by being overly obnoxious about my religion. The people who do that only make me upset. You are not being true about your relationship with Jesus if you are only trying to pronounce it all the time, for others to see. 

So that was my little rant/talk. I know that I could be more involved in my faith, it can always use work. But my relationship is there, and I am happy with that. Jesus is doing some great things for us right now. He is bringing Ryan's family all together here in Utah, he is leading me to my true life career (slowly with some speedbumps), but I know I'm getting there, and he brought me to Ryan. Although we may not see it, his little works are all around us, you just really gotta take time sometimes to look for them. 

So on a normal note, Ronnie is up on the mountain huntin for an elk.... so hopefully he comes home with one! That would be so great. Fill up the freezer for a long time haha. 
Tomorrow is a lay around all day/ watch True Blood day. And let me tell you I can NOT wait :) :) haha. 
Well, hope this doesn't offend anyone, but it's just my opinion and some things today lead me to want to write about this today.

                                      Early morning at work.... was super tired.

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