Monday, September 13, 2010


Guess who got the job!!?  "Let me guess, you did, Randi...." You know it!! Ahhh I'm so excited! I am just happy to finally have a job. We really need some money. Oh and did I mention, Ryan also got a job today ( at least we think he did). They have to wait for his background check to go through, but he said he is positive he got it. What a great day. Had the interview with the head honcho, then had to fill out about a zillion papers. After that I had to go pee in a cup at the toxicology place, then go get fingerprinted at the new jail. Which was a pretty cool experience. Tomorrow is orientation, then on the floor Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I never thought I would be so excited to clean haha.

Oh and today, I think I got asked how old I was the most I have ever been asked in my life. Literally every person asked me how old I was. Two people at the care center, two at the toxicology place, and 5 at the jail. It was pretty annoying, but I'll admit I do look a LITTLE younger. lol

So, now I am supposed to be studying for a test I have to take on Friday, because I won't be in town when it is scheduled.... cause I'll be in SAN DIEGO. I got to talk to my brother last night which was amazing, and he told me a few of the things we will be doing while we are there... and let's say... this is going to be a life changing trip. I will blog while I'm there and take a lot of pictures. It's going to be so amazing.

But back to me studying, I could not study for long, it's just so boring. Boo school. So I have officially painted one hand of nails (purple if you are curious), talked to Ryan while he is in class in his little cubicle, thought about my outfits for San Diego, and listened to the same song about 20 times. It is my favorite song right now.... it's called "Just The Way You Are" by Bruno Mars. If you have not heard it, go listen to it right now, youtube it or something. It's such an amazing song. I LOVE it. 

So now that I've blogged about my wonderful day, I am going to finish my nails, so I don't look like a goon, then head to WalMart to get Ryan's game at midnight, and get some scrubs for work!!

Just some fun pictures of Jet Li and Kevin.... trouble makers :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing that song Randi. I had heard it on the radio the other day and meant to go home and download it and I forgot. You just reminded me :) I love it!!!
