Thursday, September 30, 2010

Back to Life....

HELLO!  I'm Randi, and I used to write in the blog, but I guess you all have probably forgotten that, since I have been gone, gone for way too long. (as I said that in my head it was all sing songy.) Anywho, I have been gone because I was in San Diego. Ahhhh so absolutely amazing! I said it was going to be life changing, but we didn't end up doing all the things we had talked about, so it wasn't too life changing haha, but it was still a very wonderful, needed, and bonding filled vacation. I know that if I were to blog about my trip it would be way toooo long and no one would wanna read it, so I am going to just put a little in each blog about it. 
Ryan and I drove up to Salt Lake and stayed in a hotel on Sunday night. Salt Lake is 3 hours away and the drive sucks big ones, so we didn't wanna have to drive that early in the morning. We went to the mall and watched The Town (awesome), then went back and ordered some delish pizza.
The first couple days were pretty cold (jeans and a sweater), but we still got out and went site seeing, walked the boardwalk, toured around the hotel, and spent time with my brosef. We went and toured where Jordan works, and gotta get inside of the helicopters. It made me so proud of my brother, he is amazing. Then we went to his apartment and hung out. Definitely a bachelor pad! but very nice for sure.  
That was basically our first day there. Went back to the hotel, and slept, we were all wore out. Now I am back in the" Vernaal", as my dad would say, working my butt off. Gettin up at 5 or 5:30 every morning, really does suck, but it's worth it cuz we are dirt poor. Ughhhhhh..... money. Hate it.
Welp, that's all folks...hmmmm...yeah. :)
It's bein stupid and won't let me upload any pictures, so next time!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Weekend?! Yes, please!

Friday, oh Friday, I'm so glad it's Friday! 
Friday means a lot of great things. First of all, it was not only my first day pretty much by myself at work, which went great if you were wondering, but it was my last day of work for almost two weeks, because if you haven't figured out already San Diego is MONDAY! That means 3 days. Ahhh I can't wait. 
Friday also means new movies! This weekend was a good weekend for movies. So if you guys were thinking about going to the cinema, this weekend would be a good one to do so. The Town, Devil, and Easy A came out. Ryan is stoked about The Town, because not only does it look really good with a lot of drama/action, but it has his man crush, Jon Hamm in it. And I am going to assume you guys know who that is because he is Don Draper in the best show on tv, aka Mad Men. And off subject, kinda, if you guys are looking for a great tv series to start watching (you will have to rent the first couple seasons) you should without a doubt start watching Mad Men. You will not be disappointed.
But back on subject, The Town has Ben Affleck, and I know you guys all know who that is. Devil is for all of you suspense/ kinda horror fans. It's definitely going to be a scary one, well I guess creepy would be a good word to use. Don't let it push you away by seeing M. Night's name on the poster. I know, I know, Last Airbender kinda.... okay extremely disappointed. One of the worst movies I have ever seen, but an amazing preview at work. But we have some great expectations for Devil, it's only "from the mind of" M. Night. So no worries guys.
And tonight we went to the great ole Vernal Cinema and watched Easy A. Sooooo awesome! Funny, love, bring tears on occasion type movie. So go see some movies people!
Welp, gotta get to studying, have a test tomorrow at 11. We'll see how this goes! Then True Blood marathon?? I think so! :)
Goodnight guys! Have a great weekend! Love ya

Oh, and in the picture is the newest addition, Frank. He guards our room. We love Halloween and are getting into the spirit well over a month early, cause that's what we do :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday = Teen Mom & ridiculous training videos

Had to wake up early this morning for orientation. I thought maybe we would go over some company rules, then we would start training. Nope. Had to watch those ridiculous healthcare videos about elder abuse, and fire safety, and so on. Now do not get me wrong here, all of those things are extremely important and should be spoken about, but those videos are just hilarious. And I know I was not the only one thinking that because when all the ridiculous, completely exaggerated, over acted, scenes of elder abuse, or a fire drill, or even a "sick" person, there was several giggles, and not just from me. 

If you are thinking I'm just an inconsiderate person, and awful for giggling at this cheesy acting, go ahead and mosey over to Youtube, and look them up. I'm sure they are on there somewhere. Or when you have to watch any of those videos before you start a job anywhere (for the most part), about being nice, and the right way to handle situations.... same thing. They need to update those videos, the people in it still wear parachute pants... I mean come on. haha

But anyways, enough of my rant about cheesy company videos. Gotta get up at 5 tomorrow morning and be in at work at 6... first day... oughta be interesting. They might find me cuddled up in bed with one of the residents taking a nap! lol  So we will see how that goes! I am very excited though, just not about waking up at the buttcrack of dawn. 

Well, I gotta watch my teen mom and some Shaytards, and head to bed. Oh those of you that don't know what the Shaytards are... youtube it. It's a man that vlogs with his family, so absolutely adorable and addicting. You will fall in love with them. :)  Love all you guys, and miss you like crazy! Have a great..... Wednesday! haha forgot what day it was! Love ya!
Click here to check out the Shaytards... you won't regret it :)

Monday, September 13, 2010


Guess who got the job!!?  "Let me guess, you did, Randi...." You know it!! Ahhh I'm so excited! I am just happy to finally have a job. We really need some money. Oh and did I mention, Ryan also got a job today ( at least we think he did). They have to wait for his background check to go through, but he said he is positive he got it. What a great day. Had the interview with the head honcho, then had to fill out about a zillion papers. After that I had to go pee in a cup at the toxicology place, then go get fingerprinted at the new jail. Which was a pretty cool experience. Tomorrow is orientation, then on the floor Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I never thought I would be so excited to clean haha.

Oh and today, I think I got asked how old I was the most I have ever been asked in my life. Literally every person asked me how old I was. Two people at the care center, two at the toxicology place, and 5 at the jail. It was pretty annoying, but I'll admit I do look a LITTLE younger. lol

So, now I am supposed to be studying for a test I have to take on Friday, because I won't be in town when it is scheduled.... cause I'll be in SAN DIEGO. I got to talk to my brother last night which was amazing, and he told me a few of the things we will be doing while we are there... and let's say... this is going to be a life changing trip. I will blog while I'm there and take a lot of pictures. It's going to be so amazing.

But back to me studying, I could not study for long, it's just so boring. Boo school. So I have officially painted one hand of nails (purple if you are curious), talked to Ryan while he is in class in his little cubicle, thought about my outfits for San Diego, and listened to the same song about 20 times. It is my favorite song right now.... it's called "Just The Way You Are" by Bruno Mars. If you have not heard it, go listen to it right now, youtube it or something. It's such an amazing song. I LOVE it. 

So now that I've blogged about my wonderful day, I am going to finish my nails, so I don't look like a goon, then head to WalMart to get Ryan's game at midnight, and get some scrubs for work!!

Just some fun pictures of Jet Li and Kevin.... trouble makers :)

Saturday, September 11, 2010


So since Ryan stopped talking to me, I figured I would give this other guy a chance. This other guy just happened to be Ryan's best friend. I know I was horrible.... a bad person. But it all worked out for the best. Ryan saw other girls and I dated this other guy for almost a year. Well, it did not work out. And I could not keep Ryan off my mind, so we had begun talking again. Eventually we started hanging out, but it was at the worst possible time. We had about 2 weeks before Ryan was leaving for college in Chicago. I was devastated. 
Guess who was going to Chicago... yep that would be me. I road the train up to Chicago to see Ryan two times, and he came home every weekend to see me. Plus talking every night, I just could not get enough of him. I was so smitten. When I was visiting once, he had already asked me several times "Will you just be my girlfriend already?" And I always said, oooh I dunno. Well one night we were laying in his bed in his dorm room, and I was just like "Okay." He's like "Okay what?" "Okay I'll be your girlfriend :) :)." That was at midnight on September 11th 2008. :)  Ryan soon felt like he did not have enough time with me, and missed me, just as I missed him so so much. So he moved back home.
Not long after this, we decided we were going to move to Utah with his family. 
We had only been together for 6 months before we decided to move to Utah together, but it was the best decision I could ever make, because I know I would of lost the love of my life if I hadn't. 
A funny story though, is when I was dating someone else, I came home crying one night to my mom about how they were being an awful boyfriend, and I am confused about my feelings because there was someone on my mind all the time (aka Ryan). This was at the time when Ryan was not speaking to me, which lasted a good 5 or more months. She says " Randi, you need to be with who you care about, and who makes you happy." And I said, in between sobs, "Mom, I know who I love, and who I want to be with but I messed that up and he will never want to speak to me again!" 
I knew he was the love of my life before we were even dating, my heart would almost beat out of my chest when I just saw him walk into work. Hearing his voice would put a smile on my face. 
Now, we have been together for 2 years, just the beginning :)

Our Story

So we have a pretty interesting story on how we met and came to be where we are today.
I knew of Ryan in high school because he was friends with my boyfriend at the time. Random I know, but I always thought he was such a cutie! I remember on one occasion my friend and I were standing in the lunch line at school and he just happened to be standing in front of us. All we talked about was how adorable he was. And don't forget I had a boyfriend at the time lol. I believe we said hey to each other and he's like " You're Travis' girlfriend, right?" Yes, sexy face, I am. hahahaha but anywho!
That was our only time we spoke in high school. Then I started working at the cinema, and guess who just happened to work there also, adorable skater boy, Ryan. I was always staring at him and getting butterflies when he came into work. Then at "previews" where we watch the movies before they come out, we officially made assigned seats next to each other. And of course we flirted during every single movie, I think we annoyed people, but we didn't care. 
Eventually, I randomly texted him at work. I got his number off the employee list and made it as casual as possible. From then on we couldn't stop talking to each other.
I was dating someone at the time, and that had to end real quick, for other reasons than Ryan, but I will say he had something to do with it. So we started talking more and more, but there were other guys at the time that liked me and I told him I didn't wanna date anyone just yet, because I didn't wanna hurt anyone, I just wanted to be single. 
So one of the guys I was talking to went and told Ryan that we were going to start dating, and he thought he should let Ryan know. This was all behind my back and I had no knowledge of this, maybe he thought it would improve his chances or something. Well Ryan decided to stop talking to me after this. 


2 Years, Oh My Goodness

It has officially been two years that Ryan and I have been together. Well as of 11 pm tonight. Ahh, I just love him so so much. He is the love of my life and I honestly do not know what I would do without him. He is my best friend, lover, listener, just about anything you can think of, he is that for me. He has stayed with me after seeing me at my worst, and at my best, so I know that he is a keeper haha. Although I miss home a lot, if he is in Utah, there is no where else I would rather be. I moved here with him a little more than a year ago, and it has only made us grow and made our relationship stronger.
I know that he is the one for me, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, and I have no doubts about that. I will post another blog about how we met, and our story. I feel it is a good enough occasion to do that right!? 
Oh I just love him so so much! 
I love you Ryan, and these past two years have been the best two years I could ever ask for. 
I love you babe.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fantastic Friday!!!

Today was absolutely wonderful. Last night was not so wonderful. I was woken up at 4 am by a very frustrated hockey club, that Ryan plays online with. I was so tired, and then when I was woken up I did not feel well at all. I eventually got back to sleep, and woke up around 10:30 in the morning, which is unusually early for me...especially after the night before. But today actually ended up being a great day.
I was awake and online checking my school stuff and facebook when my phone rang. I was expecting it to be one of my parents because they tend to call me around then and wonder why I sleep so late haha. But it was a 435 number which is a Vernal number. Boy was I ecstatic! I have been working my butt off to get a job lately, putting in applications and writing cover letters, making a resume (which the site ended up wanting me to pay for, so I do not have anymore), and just all of those annoying things you have to do to get a job. It was the second place I had put an application into! When I went in the first time, the lady I was supposed to talk to was not there, so she was going to call me. It has been two weeks since then so I was very surprised to hear it was her.
It is at a nursing home, doing housekeeping, laundry, and general cleaning. The lady I had an interview with today was such an nice woman. She definitely made me feel at ease, and was not a scary boss whatsoever. 
It was definitely difficult for me to get back into the mind frame of being in a nursing home again. In Health Occ, in high school we worked in a nursing home, so it had been a long time since I had been in one. It was a very sad feeling, I felt like crying several times. But I know I have to be strong and happy for them and make their time there a great experience. 
Anyway, back to the interview, we spoke in her office for a while just about what the job consists of, and general job things like days off, how often I'll work, you know job stuff! haha 
Well then she walked me around the facility to show me where we would clean and what we would do. She was very friendly and made it easy for me to feel at ease and not overwhelmed. She told me she thought I was 14! Lol, I told her I get that a lot! 
After our about 40-45 meeting/interview, she walked me out and told me that she was really very happy that she was able to meet me. The best part was, she leaned over and kinda whispered "I really think you'll get it, don't worry." Oh my goodness that made me so happy! So I should receive a call on Monday morning telling me whether I got the job or not. It is all in the hands of the head manager, so I guess we will find out!
Not only did I get an interview today, but Ryan got called from a potential job place for an interview on Monday. We have been working so hard to put in applications and waiting patiently and all this good news in one day.... boy was it exciting. So Monday is our day! We will see what happens.
We then went to Walmart because I needed some shampoo and conditioner, then came home and relaxed. And we are now finishing the night off with some shakes from Sonic. It is God's gift to me to bring a Sonic to Vernal. I absolutely LOVE Sonic. Unfortunately, since we haven't had jobs yet, we have been unable to eat there since we have been back, but I'll tell you now, we will soon be a familiar face around that place! :)
Great day all around! Hope this weekend is great. Tomorrow we are going to Ryan's uncle's house for his cousin Casey's birthday. They are having a cookout, so I know we are going to have a great time! 

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Today started off kinda weird over here in the land of Utah. First of all it is freezing cold outside and super windy. Soon we are going to wake up to snow, and it is really going to bum me out. I am not a snow person whatsoever, and if you didn't know that already you are soon going to find out, because I am sure I am going to complain about it sooo much when it decides to make an appearance. But anyways! back to my story, I woke up to the alarm this morning at 9 because Ryan has class. Dylan and April were both up also because they had to go up to Provo today. Well I hear Miley Cyrus's song, When I Look at You, you know the one from The Last Song. This is a strange occurance in this house, because usually all you hear is Dylan's rap or something that is NOT Miley Cyrus. Then it just stops, and starts again. First I start thinking Dylan has seen the light over night, and has chosen the right path in life and has started listening to Miley. Because that of course is the way to be! ( I LOVE Miley) haha. 
Well, then Kevin decides to come into the room because Ryan left the door open when he went in the bathroom. Kevin Bacon is one of the cats. And Kevin can not be very discrete when he comes into a room. He makes a lot of noise, and has a problem with sneezing. So he tries to sneak in here and jumps on the bed. I of course push him off and try to shoo him out of the room because I do not want snot on me, I wasn't even fully awake yet. He decides to try again.... and again.... and again. He was very persistant. Finally, he decides to make his exit, and I was very happy for this because I was tired! CYA KEVIN.
So it is extremely loud outside of the apartment in the mornings, around say 8ish. Behind the apartment there is a vet clinic for larger animals, like cows and horses. So you hear them making sooo much noise, especially when they stick their hands up their butts, whatever they are doing there. And right next to that is a daycare, so there is about a zillion little kids screaming at the top of their lungs. So this singing/music I had heard was pretty soothing. Then I hear it again, but it's country music this time. It is actually amazing! Come to find out, the neighbor was singing! It was soooo beautiful. I hate our neighbors so it was very shocking. They like to yell at each other at 4 AM and wake everyone up. It was hard to believe it could be the same people. At least I assumed it was them because there is only people on one side of us. 
So this morning started off kinda weird and different, but the day has begun, and I am off to do homework and continue my usual boring day. Lots of homework and quizzes to work on!
Hopefully Ryan gets his school books today and possibly a nice check in the mail from the school. We were planning on going and getting icecream today but since it's pretty cold out, we are probably just going to treat ourselves to lunch later on. 
Have a great day everyone! I love you and miss you! 11 dayssss :D :D :D :D 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Let's get a move on!

It's 12:30 and I just woke up and got out of the shower.... is that bad?! Having all of my classes online has really made me lazy I think. I really have no reason to be up early. When I get up I shower and attempt to look nice ( which I don't know why considering I don't ever go anywhere), and then i get straight on my computer. I feel like my computer is my new boyfriend, I spend more time with it than I do with Ryan. Homework, Blackboard, facebook, Youtube, all of my time is spent on these.
I feel like I am just at a stand still in life. Maybe it's because I am up in this room all the time, but lately I have been the worst pessimist. I don't like being that way around Ryan because none of this is his fault, but considering he is my roommate, boyfriend, best friend (only friend here), and everything else he could possibly be, he sees me at my worst and my best. Lately it has definitely been my worst.
This weekend the new Resident Evil movie comes out! And I personally, am very excited. I know a lot of people seem like they think they are going to be disappointed, but I have hope. The only crappy thing is that we don't get anything in 3d here. They don't even accept credit cards or debit cards at our theaters. Yep that's the wonderful town we live in. But anyways, I am very excited! Something to look forward to! 
Plus I am starting the countdown to San Diego...... 12 days and counting! woohooo.... I can feel the waves on my feet and sun on my face already! I know I am going to cry when I see the parents at the airport, gosh.... can't wait. 
Another boring day ahead of me...... yippee.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

New Blog.... again

So I had originally made a blog a while back, and I went back into it to make a post, well I guess I don't remember the password or something gay. So here I am with a new one!
We are back from Effingham. It really was a great trip, and it was an amazing summer. I am missing it so much, I wish I could still be there. But gotta get back to school in good ole Utah. 
Not a whole lot has been going on since we got back. Trying to find new jobs, and get back into the swing of things. The bank account is really dying without jobs, so hoping to have something come our way, and really soon! 
Less than 2 weeks and we will be on the beach in San Diego soakin up the sun! I can NOT wait!! I know it will have only been a month since I have seen them but I am really stoked about seeing my parents and my brother again. I miss them the second after I leave them. It will be both of my parent's birthdays while we are there, so we plan on having a great time! We have only been back for about 2 or so weeks, but I am definitely ready for a vacation. Utah just does that to me. 
The family here is doing great, and it's great to be back and see them. Just need to get some money coming in and Randi will be a happy camper, it has just been really stressful lately. ( Missing my family, the cinema, having some money, and most of all having friends to spend my time with.) I know I'm a debbie downer, but things just aren't going the way I would like right now :(. Hope to see things get better really soon! 
Will try to keep up with the blog. I always just find myself in a rut because I have nothing to share lol. Nothing ever happens here. I just spend my days in the bedroom, doing homework or watching tv. Ughhh I'm so lame.