Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm on Jersey Shore? Yeeeeaaahhh

School is just so darn frustrating! Well at least parts of it is. As I said in my last blog, I really do love my Micro class. It is a lot of fun, and it really interests me. I am still not signed up for my CNA class and Medical Terminology. They were supposed to have the books in last Thursday and they still are not in. What is their deal!!? I can't do the class without the book, and I can't sign up because they are pay as you go courses, so I could have paid for it a couple weeks ago, and still not have my book now, with a wasted 2 weeks of a paid class. I gave them my number TWICE, and am still waiting for them to call me and say the books are in. I just called yesterday, so if they don't call me tomorrow, I am calling again. Yes, I will be that annoying girl that calls all the time. I don't care because I have to have them finished and have my clinicals finished by June 1, in order to have a chance to get into the LPN program in the fall. 
Well, that's enough of that. I have been looking through the classifieds online to find myself a puppy. Ryan and I plan on getting a puppy!! How exciting right? We really want a St. Bernard but we are going to hold off on that until we have our own place. So then we were looking at Border Collies, but we already have Bella (Chris's dog) and she is a Blue Heeler, plus Boss (a pug), so we figured we need to get a small dog, and April agreed. So I think we are going for a Yorkie!!! Everyone knows how much I love Yorkies! Makes me miss Izzy and Kada just talking about it. Love them to death. 
We have already started throwing out names, but we haven't decided. We have time to think about it. We probably won't actually get him until around middle or end of March. And yes, it will be a boy, we hope! I love Izzy to death (she's my little princess at home), but Ryan will take more kindly to the idea of a Yorkie if it is a boy. So far the names we have come up with are.... Ryan's choice - Gaborik. My choice - Ollie. I love them both! Those are just our first ideas, but like I said we have time to think of more and weigh our options. I am just so excited! I have a feeling we will name it something movie related, because that is just how we are! Maybe a Cujo or Leo. We will see!
Time to lay down and hang with Snooki. I just love her book so much. It is not the best writing, but it is very entertaining! I had a dream last night that she and I were best friends and went out to the club, and Pauly and Vinny were there. I was basically on Jersey Shore.... wowwwww...... maybe I should stop reading before bed! LOL
Goodnight everyone! Love you all!

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