Thursday, April 14, 2011

School and Work, School and Work

This week has been extremely busy! I worked Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday, 6 to 3. And on Saturday and Sunday I stayed until 8 that night. So it has been really hectic, but nice because I need to stay busy. I finally got my LPN application!!! Tomorrow I am going to bring it into work, and have the nurses help me, and give the two that I talked to the reference forms. I requested my transcripts from Lakeland, and need to call the high school and have them send me those. Gonna get this started so I can get it in as early as possible.
Speaking of school, I signed up for my summer classes, well 2 of the 3. I was going to have to take 4 but one of them interferes with another, so I have to take it next summer. I am taking an art class to go towards my associates degree, and I also am taking Physiology again. I have to have a B minus in that class for RN. I am also going to take a math class, but I have to retake the placement test. So that is on the schedule for tomorrow! 
Today we start our presentations in my Micro class, but guess who isn't ready!? Yep that would be me. So he said we are going to go with volunteers, so I am just NOT going to volunteer so I have the weekend to finish it. 
I am considering getting a second job to keep myself busy all the time. I need to be out of here doing something or I go crazy. I work all this weekend, and some of next week, so I don't know if I should or not. I will have summer school and still work at the care center. I just feel like it's not enough! What should I do!?
I have more to blog about but I am going to make a different blog for all of that information! K? Check it out! 

1 comment:

  1. Schools are gifted the most wonderful memories of life. School works are i enjoyed very much. All friends are sitting together and dealing with the works.
