Thursday, December 23, 2010

Small small world

I think ya'll are going to think I am absolutely crazy for getting this excited about this, but I was sooo excited/sad about this situation. So as you all know, or might not know, but if you have read my other blogs, you SHOULD know.... oh man haha I'm gettin all worked up. ANYWAYS, you should know, that I love LOVE my youtube. I am subscribed to so many beauty "gurus" on youtube, and if you should walk into Ryan and I's room, at any time, that is what I am doing. Sittin on the bed with my headphones watching my youtube girls. 
Well, I have a few of them on my facebook as friends. Okay, let's do a little more background before I explain this. I have my few favorites that I really enjoy watching because either they are hilarious, or I just love watching the things they buy or whatever. There is one girl, that I watch because I really value what she says. We have the same kind of hair (I cut mine like hers because we have the same kind of curls and hair), she isn't all about the expensive makeup, because we all know that Randi can't afford a $26 mascara. She is basically the only one that I watch every single one of her videos and take notes!
As I was on facebook yesterday, she changed her status to something along the lines of "going shopping in Champaign Illinios to use my giftcards". Or something like that. So I immediately freaked out, and told her I am from about an hour and a half from there. So she commented me and said that her parents are from Effingham, and she has been there for the last week or so. WHAT!? I was sooooo excited haha. How crazy is that? Such a small world!
No one has heard of Effingham, and to find out my favorite "guru" was there, and is probably going to be there again. It was like she was a celebrity, because it is almost like she is to me. AND she is my age. I feel like we could be best friends. But I'm here in Utah land :(. 
Does this make me a crazy stalker?! LOL When she commented me and told me that, it literally made the rest of my night. Just so awesome!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Down with the sickness.

A lot has happened since I have last blogged. So plan on having quite a few posts today because I wanna get updated on everything! Everyone has been so sick in this house. I am doing everything I can not to get sick! haha. Let's see what all I have bought.... spray Lysol, the jumbo container of Lysol wipes, and vitamin C pills. Now those are only the things basically for me to keep myself from getting sick. Now for Ryan, because he is sick now, I have bought Dayquil and Nyquil, sore throat drops (2 different kinds), Theraflu daytime, Robitussin nighttime, aaand a humidifier. Now, it may seem like I am being a little bit crazy BUT hear me out. Whenever I get sick, I get like deathly sick. It is like the end of the world and if I get sick everyone else will get more sick because of me. Last Thursday I got my wisdom teeth out, and I still have stitches in and the holes in my mouth, so I could easily get sick if any of those germ bugs get in my mouth from breathin. So I am taking every precaution, and doing everything I can to get Ryan better. And hopefully by using the cleaning products and humidifier, it will help everyone else get better in the house as well.
So like I said, I got my wisdom teeth out on Thursday. It actually went really well! I was some what nervous, but I don't remember a thing, so the anesthesia worked perfectly. I am currently still having to take Vicoden and Penicillian. The strange thing is that the left side of my mouth and lip is still numb. Today is day 4 after the surgery, so that is really strange. It's not too awful so I'm not worrying about it too much. I have only felt sick once, and that was right when the anesthesia was wearing off. But besides that I have been great!
Oh on December 11, Ryan's cousin Katie had her baby shower. It was a ton of fun! She got a lot of cute things, and lots of things she needed. Baby Delayni will be here in January and I know the whole family is super excited! First baby girl in their family, so she is going to be spoiled rotten! 

                                                       My chipmunk cheeks lol

Mommy to be opening her gifts.

April and I playin some "b word" games! haha

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving, Toofers, and Pups

Thanksgiving was wonderful! The night before we dyed my hair more blonde, so I was just praying it turned out okay haha. It was just the main family here at the house, but still, I didn't wanna look like a goon. In the end,  it all turned out okay, and I really love it. Dinner was sooo delicious. There was so much food, April even made little appetizers! Those could just fill you up in themselves, but I saved my little tummy for dinner, and boy did I pig out. It was amazing. We spent the rest of the night just being lazy and laying in food comas till we left at about 11:30 to head to Walmart for the black friday sales. Oh my goodness was that insane! People are crazy! Especially the people you wouldn't expect, like old ladies and innocent looking girls. My oh my was it scary. We got most of the things we were there to get and made it out alive! 
A few days before that, I had to go to the dentist. Most people absolutely hate going to the dentist. I am blessed to have good teeth, so I am never really worried, except this time. I was a tad bit worried because I haven't been to the dentist in....... are you ready for this..... about 4 years. YIKES! I know, I am bad! It's hard when I don't have my parents to call and make an appointment for me anymore. Luckily, no cavities and my teeth look great ( or so they said haha). The only thing is he said I should of had my wisdom teeth taken out about 2 years ago! Ugh I was so embarrassed haha. Yes, Mr. Dentist, I am awful and don't go to the dentist when I'm supposed to, sorrrry! Soooo, since he said they were "impacted", basically still under my gums but need to be out asap, I had to make an appointment right away. So December 16th is my day! I'm sure I'll have a picture up of my chipmunk cheeks lol. Thank goodness all my school will be over by then so I can just lay in all my laziness for a few days, and not have to worry about anything. 
Ryan made himself a dentist appointment for December 22nd, so we are hoping that everything that week with the surgery and his appointment goes smooothly with no problems, because we want to have a good Christmas a few days after that!
This is my little man, Kada, and mom said on the phone tonight that he is extremely sick, so I'll be thinking about him! Get better lovie!

And this is Miss Bella, Chris' puppy, and she went to the vet tonight for her woman surgery tomorrow, so we can't wait to get her home!

Sunday, November 28, 2010


A lot has happened since I last posted. I sure am behind. On the 16th we went to a Black Label Society concert up in Magna, which is up by Salt Lake City. It was pretty interesting. I really enjoyed myself for a while. There was 3 bands that played before BLS, which wasn't too bad. They were all pretty good. We were front row! Like up against the little bar before the stage. I was really excited about the spots. There was some moshing and what not, but it never hit us so I was extremely grateful haha. They were setting the stage for BLS, the final band, the MAIN band we were there to see. And some huge jerk came up thinking he was going to push us back so he could have a front row spot. We were like "Umm we don't think so, we have been standing here since 6:30, sorry." At this time it was about 10 so we had been there for quite a while, with no one bothering us like this jerk was. He was like "Yes, I am getting this spot. It's a metal concert get over it." Oh boy was I mad!! He was pushing me! A tiny girl, and he didn't care. It got to the point that he was pushing me so hard against the bar, that I couldn't breathe, so I told Ryan we should just let his fat ass in there. I had a few choice words that I screamed in his ear. Some names, and mean things haha. I was sooooo mad. Once the music started, I elbowed him in the ribs as hard as I could, and pinched the back of his arm. I didn't know what else to do!! I was soooooooo angry. This was supposed to be Ryan's night! And this jerk had to ruin it. 
Well once the music was loud enough, I was screaming straight in his ear, on purpose of course, and had my hand up to the music, right in his face so he couldn't see. I'm a straight up B*, and I know it, but this jerk had no right. Especially taking advantage of me, a tiny short girl. So we ended up moving all the way to the back, up on the balcony for the rest of the concert.
The time we were actually up by the stage was pretty awesome though! We got BLS guitar picks, and Ryan got to like fist bump with one of the members of BLS. It was soo awesome. And seeing Zakk Wylde was just amazing up that close. We got in about 3 or so songs before we decided to just move away from that fat jerk. 

All in all the night was pretty great. A few minor setbacks but overall good. Headed back to the hotel, and April opened her birthday gifts, went to bed, and the next morning went to a really nice mall. Got a few shirts, and a new pair of shoes that I really needed. A nice getaway for a few days!

PICTURES COMING SOOON! (as soon as my phone lets me upload them!)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Great Finds

Oh my goodness! I have found a few great deals around town, and I am just so darn excited about them, that I have to blog about it. Now I don't know about you guys, but Ryan and I are constantly burning a candle in our room. We just love the smell, and it's just something about candles that is extremely calming. Well the only bad part about that, is we are constantly buying them. Candles are not cheap people! They are like 5 bucks a piece at WalMart, and that is cheap for candles. So that is where we usually get our shop on, but we decided to go to Kmart for a change, I think because we didn't want to drive all the way to WalMart. Well! Kmart is having a sale on a lot of their candles. Instead of the normal like 6 dollars for one, they were 3 or 4 bucks. So we bought one, but I had to go back today and get 2 more because it's something we are constantly using, and it was such a great price. The one we are burning right now is Banana Nut Bread, and it is sooooooo delicious! I love it. It makes our room smell so yummy. We went back today and got Evergreen, to get in the mood for the Christmas season! And we got Baked Cookies (or something like that). And I am just so excited.... is it lame that I get excited about candles haha? Well I do! And if you do, you should go to Kmart and see if they are having the sale at yours. 
Next! I knew I wanted a large bag for when I start nursing school. But I wanted it to be like... stylish I guess. The look I was going for was an oversized purse, and I wanted leather. There were a few on that I wanted, but they were $32 plus tax and shipping, and I thought that was INSANE! So, I figured I was going to wait till we go up to Salt Lake next week, and was going to look. Today, we went to a local sports store, and everything in there is so extremely overpriced, so I knew I wasn't going to find anything. They sell clothing and shoes and all that stuff too. Well I figured I would look and I found the most amazing bag ever. Okay, it's not exactly what I was going for, but it's awesome. It was 60 bucks with 40% off. Now, if we all do the math here, that makes it around $36 right? Well, I could not bring myself to spend that much money. Even though I LOVED the bag so so much. Ryan and I stood in the store like dorks, talking about this bag, and whether I should get it or not. I knew I was going to get so much use out of it, and in the end it would be worth the money. So I decided to get it. I get up to the register and she said it was $25! WHAAAAAT? I was sooooo excited! So to end a long story, I have my beautiful, most amazing bag, and I can not wait to use it. I will try and post pictures soon. I am too lazy to do it now LOL

That's about all! I finished my book, and started a new one. I just love reading, and I love when I'm actually in the reading "phase". And if you are a reader, you know what I mean. Going through phases of not wanting to read, and then constantly reading. Well I'm in the reading phase and it's awesome.
If you guys are candle feens like me, and you know of a place to get amazing cheap candles, you should let me know. Cheap as in 5 bucks or less. I can't do expensive ones because we go through them like crazy.
Goodnight all! Off to watch my youtube and read :D

New hair! Loving it tons

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Drop In The Ocean

Happy Birthday Dyldo! Today was Dylan's 19th birthday, he's growing up so fast *tear* haha. It was actually a really crappy day outside, but I hope he still had a great day. It doesn't rain very often here, and that's all it did today, kinda a weird day. 
Did a little homework, and just hung out at home. We went to the bank to get some money out, and I went to claim my free small smoothie I won at McDonalds. I won it off of the little Monopoly pull off tab things haha. It was pretty delicious! Wildberry.... check it out ;) lol. But I got money out because April and I got our hair did today! The lady used to have a salon, but now she just comes to your house, so she came over. It was pretty cool. She cut mine, and said if I want it different to call her and she will fix it up for free. I want some things a little shorter here and there, so I will probably give her a call tomorrow. April got her hair trimmed up too. It was nice. And April paid for mine, that dork. I got money out and everything, but she was kind enough to pay for it for me. So THANK YOU April, that was extremely nice of you. 
Whenever I get the whole thing done, I will take a picture and post it. It's nothing too drastic so no worries, just a change here and there. 
Tomorrow Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World comes out on video, so we are going to go pick that up! I am extremely excited. That was my 2nd favorite movie of the summer. I loved it. (Inception being number 1 of course). So we will go get that, and probably have a movie day/night, after we get some homework done of course!
OH and the best news of all!!! At Ryan's hockey game I was talking to some of the girlies and they are going to check around town for some jobs for Ryan. They know a lot of people and said they just love Ryan to death and would love to put in a good word for him, and would be a reference too. They are so great! So hopefully it will open some doors for him! How exciting! Good things are headed our wayyy! I can feel it :)

That's about all, but I do have a song that I am just LOVING right now, and I really wanna share it. It is just so pretty, in my opinion anyways. I just can't stop listening to it. Ryan doesn't like it, but he don't matter! Just kidding, but he don't have to listen to it right!? haha So I'll leave a link below, and listen to it. Goodnight everyone! It's really late, and I should be hittin the hay! Love you alll! 

Listen!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Happiness..... what to say about that? I know I have been lacking it lately, and I am sure you have all noticed that through my posts. I think I am bringing myself down, and I am seeing it not only in myself but especially in Ryan. He is the closest thing to me and sometimes that can be a bad thing because I choose to target my frustration towards him. 
So after saying this, that I say in all my posts, about me being sad and blah blah blah, I have chosen to build myself a new path. No longer am I going to be upset and sad about myself or other things, I am going to only be positive, and find the positive things in everything. Even if I should be in a situation ever that it is the hardest thing I have ever done, with the hardest situation to be positive or happy, I am going to make myself do that. I know it will make my life so much easier.
I am going to focus on Ryan and myself, and our relationship and our life. Going to put my whole being into making us happy, and making a future for us. I know that once I do that, and focus on us being happy that it will make everyone around us happy, and make just a great atmosphere. Great things will come to us and the people close to us, if we (mainly me) remain positive, and look forward and only forward. Like as if I have blinders on, I can only see the future. 
So if this new me gets to be annoying, don't let me know, don't say anything to me because I am going to immerse myself into it, and put my whole heart into making a great atmosphere, and changing this awful attitude I have. 
To anyone that I have offended or upset because of these posts, I am truly sorry, and I was thinking about no one but myself, and how upset I was at the time. It's time for change!!! :D Let's do this!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Failing at Growing Up?

Long time no talk everyone! It sure has been a while, or at least it feels that way. We are still on the job hunt for Ryan. This place is just difficult and throwing all the obstacles it can in our way, but we are going to prevail. They can't stop us from being happy. So if you are out there job, call us, we are waiting patiently for you!!!!
I talked to my parents last night and my brother tonight. It's always great to hear from them. I miss them a lot so hearing their voice always is great for me. Sounds like things are going great for them, and that is always good to hear. 
Ryan's brother recently moved here to live with all of us. Well he got here on Saturday to be exact, so almost a week! He brought his adorable puppy, Bella, with him, and she is fitting in so well. It's definitely a change having another person and animal in the house, but we are all adjusting quickly, and we are just happy to have him here. Although it's a busy house, things will work out for the best. 
Also, this is my first week out of work. I am only working on the weekends now, and I know I need to get back on weekdays, just maybe one or two weekdays and not 5 in a row. School is flowing much better now that I have more time to focus on it, but there is almost too much free time in there, and I know I could be utilizing it a lot better by working and making money.
Okay here is the subject that I have been thinking about a lot lately. When is the time or age I guess when kids should not be asking for money from their parents any longer? I definitely feel like I have reached that age a long time ago. I never ask my parents for money unless I am at the end of my rope and know I absolutely have to. To me, I find it extremely embarrassing, and it makes me feel... hmm... what's the word... almost like I am failing at growing up and being independent. Now, there are kids out there, in college and even out of college who do not find shame in asking their parents for money, or just randomly spending and basically, in my opinion, throwing away their parents hard earned money. They deserve that money, to spend on themselves and do what they want with it. They worked hard for it, not you. That is why you go out, get a job, and make your own money to use on whatever you want. And I think, when I work hard and earn the money, it feels so much better to buy something for myself with that hard earned money, rather than just running to mom and dad to have them fork it over. I guess all of us have a different level of shame with things like that, and I know my level is off the charts if I have to ask for money. 

Just food for thought. I have been thinking about that a lot lately, since times are hard for pretty much everyone right now. And as a college student working a low waged job, and still trying to go to school, it's hard to have that extra spending money. 
Well I hope everyone is doing well, and had a great Halloween. Thanksgiving will be here before you know it!!! So let's try to be thankful for what we do have, and stop spending carelessly. I know I am going to start working on that here in November!!!
Love you guys! 

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Boring, boring day..... per usual. Went out to lunch with Ryan, and came home to clean up and go through all of my junk. Ryan had to go to class at 4 so I decided to pull out the scrapbooks and work on them. I need to go get a bunch of pictures printed off my camera, and get the pictures off my computer, so I can add them in there too.

In this post I was really wanting to link you guys to some awesome Youtube pages. So if you have a youtube account, you should subscribe to these people. And if you do not have an account.... well you should make one!!! Or just occasionally check out their pages. The first person is Sxephil, aka Philip DeFranco. Now if you are conservative, and do not like cussing or hearing "dirty" things, then you should not watch him. He talks about news related things, but makes them hilarious. So check him out!

The next person you should take some time to check out is the Shaytards. I have linked you to them before, but I seriously can not get enough of them. You will fall in love with their family. The videos can get kind of long, but are definitely worth the time you take to watch them. 

Okay and my last two are beauty channels, but they are my two favorite. I always love watching these two's videos. So if you are a girly girl and like watching hair tutorials, or makeup related things, then you should check these two out for sure. I could name a TON more girls, but these two are my favorite. Now if you are into the beauty channels, like me, you should let me know, and I'll let you know of some more awesome girls. 

So there you go. It makes me feel good to give these links to you guys, because I just love these youtubers soo so much. They are the reason Randi does not get her homework done. I can not blame facebook because I am more addicted to Youtube. 

Well I guess that is all for now, gonna hang out here. Maybe, possibly do some homework, not really sure.

Lovin this ^^^^^^^


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pulled Groins and Breakdowns..... whaaat?

Vacation time again! It really feels like I'm not working anymore, which is a good thing because I need to catch up with school work, but also a bad thing because we need monies! I worked today, and now I am off for two days. I talked to my boss today, and I am going to be PR, or only working as needed. So if someone goes on leave or vacation or whatever, I will come in and work a couple days, and I am going to work the X shift on the weekends. Which is only 5:30 - 7:30, but with that shift, I get paid more. So all in all it works out pretty well.

Ryan pulled a muscle, and has been hurtin the last couple days. We have been walking, and icing it tonight, so hopefully that will help it heal. His mom and I agree that he probably shouldn't play hockey on Monday, but he says that he is playing no matter what if he feels better. If it still hurts he will think about not playing..... Boys so stubborn!

The other day, I basically had a breakdown. I have been worrying about us getting jobs, and paying bills, and the other day it just all took over. I got in the shower, and was just so upset. I think I just sat down in the shower and let the water run over me for a good half an hour. Everyone probably thought I had drowned. Then I came out, and took it out on Ryan. I hate how I do that, keep everything bottled up till I have a breakdown, and take it out on him. Almost immediately after the stupid argument I start and carry on to him (because he usually just sits and takes it), I feel awful about it. I am so blessed to have him. He just lets me be upset, and then he apologizes.... when I should be the one apologizing. I am so lucky for such a great partner. But anyways, I was just thinking about how he doesn't have a job yet, and I was still looking at the time, which I will probably still do, and I was thinking about how we had the best jobs EVER in Effingham, with amazing friends. We also would have school there, and my family to take us in till we could afford our own place. We have several things there, that we don't have here. The only great thing about being here is Ryan's family is absolutely amazing to me, and are great to us. I know my family would do the exact same thing for us, it's just knowing we would be leaving his family here. But I also left my family, so I know Ryan could do it, if we were to choose to move back.

I don't know, it's extremely overwhelming, and I struggle all the time going through all of this in my head. Seeing us struggle here, and knowing we wouldn't be in Effingham...... kinda tough. But it is all going to work out in the end. I just have to focus on school, because that is why I moved here, and to be with Ryan of course! So those are what I need to be focusing on right now. 

I love my family at home, and if you guys read this... I love you so so much, more than anything, and I hope you know that I miss you and think about you every single day. I think a part of me gets upset also about the whole situation because I miss my family, and puppies, and friends A LOT. Things will get better! There is always tomorrow, and just seeing Ryan and knowing I'm here with him helps me calm myself when I get upset. 

Tomorrow we shall...... hmmmmm.... I really don't know! haha. Probably do homework, and just hang around the house. That is my guess, but we will see!! Goodnight everyone, this girl is tired!

My little man, Kada! Isn't he just adorable! Goodness I miss my puppies!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ups and Downs

Today definitely had it's ups and downs. What a crazy day... for real. So it started off pretty amazing. I got paid today, and it goes straight into my bank account so I got online to see how big the check was. It was the biggest check I have ever made in my working career, and I have been working since I was 15. I was not expecting it to have the numbers it did! So I was extremely happy about that. I got in the shower, and as soon as I was out and doing my hair, Ryan knocks on the door nonstop, and says to get out there. Takes me into his parents' room, and shows me that it is SNOWING outside, yes I said snowing. I couldn't believe it. Well I guess I shoulda been able to believe it, because that is how it is here, nice one day, and snow the next. It snowed, and melted, and the sun came out within about 45 minutes. So crazy. So that upset me a little by seeing that, but I cheered up once it stopped.
So after I was ready, we went to Walmart to pay off our bill. We have a walmart credit card thing, that they give you a certain balance, and you just use it like a credit card. Well we had bought a Wii with a lot of equipment with it, so we had a balance of about 300 bucks on there. And with my wonderful check we figured we would just pay it off so we wouldn't have to worry about it. We get there and get up to the register to do this, and I can't find my card. I had recently changed purses because my grandma sent me two new ones, so I figured it was just in my old one. Get home, and couldn't find it anywhere. So we choose to pay the bill online, and report the card lost, so we will receive a new one in about a week. Boy, do I feel stupid. We still haven't found it, so who knows where it is. 
After this whole deal, we ate some food, and Ryan was not feeling well, so we laid down and he took a good hour, hour and a half nap, while I browsed youtube :). He wakes up and we head to Payless because I really need some shoes. I found a couple, but I'm a cheapie and wouldn't buy any of them. Come home and hang out till his game at 8:15. 
His team didn't win but they played extremely well. It was back and forth the entire game. The first period Ryan got hurt, but decided to stay and play the rest of the game. He is definitely feeling it now! Hope he can get up and around for class tomorrow! Now we are home, and he is playing online with his friends, and I did some homework. Tomorrow he should be receiving some things he ordered online, and I am going to bust my butt with some homework, so I'm not overwhelmed once the beginning of the month rolls around!
Well all in all it was a great day! Got to talk to my grandma on the phone and my mom. I miss them like crazy, and can't wait to see them, whenever I should be able to do that. I hope everyone is having a great start to their week! Love all of you! :)
Absolutely amazing! Only a couple more weeks till we getta see him live :D

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Wow, my life is really boring. I get on here planning on writing, and then I get here and have nothing to write about.
The other night Ryan was complaining about his chest hurting him. And this happens quite a bit and it's kinda scary. He refuses to go to the doctor to get checked out. He thinks he is just fine, and obviously something is wrong. Well the other night, it was bad enough that he was constantly complaining about it. And you never know what could happen. Something awful happened in Ryan's family this last year, about problems with their chest, so I got really scared. I was crying, and very upset. I was scared he wasn't going to wake up in the morning. It really made me think. I know I would be completely lost without him. I wouldn't be able to go on, I just know it. He is the reason for every single thing I do, so what would my life be without him? Just thinking about losing him, and being without him brought about some serious emotions, that I definitely was not able to handle.

That has basically been the breakdown of the last couple days. Besides that, they have been pretty great. Working and attempting to pass some tests for school. One I passed, the other I didn't. I hadn't even looked at this information for either test until right before I had to go and take them. That is what this job is doing to me. So I am hoping once November comes around I will be able to get those crappy grades up. Especially knowing they are going to be looking at my grades in order to determine if I get into the LPN program or not, and some day the RN program. 

My grandma sent me two purses in the mail! I was so excited. They are so perfect and I love them. She is the best. Makes me really miss my family something awful when they do great things like that for me. Let's me know how much they love me and care, and just let's me know that they are thinking about me and haven't forgotten about me here in Utah haha. Asked my dad to send me some of his bread pudding in the mail, but it wouldn't make it here still being edible :( so he is going to send me the recipe :). Boy do I miss them. And I'm not going to get to go home to visit until the summer sometime. That's a long way away! 

Ryan's brother Chris is moving here in a few days, and we are all preparing, and getting excited/nervous! We are going to have a full house here. Gonna be pretty crazy, but will be great to all be together. He is bringing his dog with him, so Boss and Sparky will have a new friend. He should be here on Halloween! Only  a week away, and guess who has to work? Yep, that's me. But that is officially my last day. I think I am going to ask if I can still stay on, and just work the weekend night shifts. Maybe? If not, I completely understand, but we will see. Worked from 6 to 3 yesterday, and went back in and worked 5:30 to 8 that night. So it was a looong day! 

Tomorrow is a look for jobs, do errands day. It should be a good day. It has been soooo cold here though, just hope maybe it will be a little more like fall and less like winter right now.... please!? Now, it is time for bed. Going to bed at 8:30 every night and getting up at 5 really makes a girl tired.
Hopefully I'll have something fun to talk about tomorrow, get some posts in 
 before I go back to work on Wednesday!! Goodnight everyone!! 

My pretty Izzy, boy do I miss her. Love you little girl.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Boring Wednesday

Last night we went and watched Jackass 3d at the movie theater. They just recently got a 3d projector, and I am sooo happy about that. Movin up! lol But anywho, the movie was awesome! I know a lot of people would not like it, it is extremely disgusting but hilarious at the same time. Just my cup of tea..... whaaat?! But I was laughing the entire time, gagged once, but laughed through the whole thing. You have to have a strong stomach to watch it. 
I only have a few more weeks of work left, until I am officially unemployed. This really worries me. I know I "quit" because I need more time for school, and that is EXACTLY what I am going to get once November rolls around. BUT knowing I have bills to pay and essential things that I need money to get, I get worried. I have been checking in with the local job connection here in town, and there always seems to be the same things. We apply for the jobs that say they are hiring, but here nothing from them. And a couple weeks later it says they are still looking for help. What kinda bs is that? I guess that's Vernal for ya.
So I am just praying for something to come our way. I am not the type of person to feel okay with asking my parents for money. I only do if I am in dire need of it, like a last resort, and even then I almost come to tears asking. I am just thankful to be able to live without paying rent, and not have to worry about certain things, like food and washing my clothes. Ryan's family is absolutely wonderful to me, and I couldn't be more thankful. I am lucky to have them. 
So that is about all for now. Last day of my vacation, and we really don't have anything planned. I like it that way, I think. I have a test I have to take by Friday and another I have to take by Saturday, both of which I have not studied for. Maybe I will do that tonight, and tomorrow night. One of them is open book and notes, so that will help. 
Ryan is just now waking up.... haha. So I guess I better go! Our netflix should be in the mail today, so we will probably watch those, and maybe get out of the house sometime. 

Sorry if you are a normal reader of my blogs (if there is anyone haha) and I haven't been writing in it as much. Nothing really has been going on in my life but work, and a little school haha. So I will try to make my life more interesting so you have something better to read lol.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Well here we are again. Let's just say this job is kicking my butt. I am not able to do much of anything anymore. Today is my day off, well day one of three, and I was planning on doing homework. I just finished one assignment and it about killed me. It is so hard for me to focus on school anymore. Once November starts I am going to kick it into gear and kick some psychology butt. I won't be on the November schedule for work, because I "quit" and what not. If you did not know that.... well now you do haha. It was in my blog a while back. 
Today I had my meeting with my counselor at the college. She told me basically a lot of things I already knew but also a lot of things that I didn't know. I have to take a few classes next semester in order to get into the LPN program in the fall, but she said that should not be a problem. There were a few unexpected classes in there, such as another math class, and just a USU titled class. So next semester my classes will consist of Microbiology (which is a 5 hour long class), math, Medical Terminology, and possibly anatomy. They told me I might not have to take anatomy again, so let's keep our fingers crossed. 
So LPN program in the fall, and RN by 2013. How exciting. So I will be a LPN by summer of next year (as in 2012). Wow I am so excited. Hope I don't get my butt kicked.... actually I am expecting to get my butt kicked, so I'll be holding on tight haha.
I am thinking of ideas for another tattoo. I know my mom is going to be pretty upset, but she was also upset about my last one until she saw it, and realized I'm not stupid, and got something tasteful. So this one will also be tasteful and have a lot of meaning, and also in a place that can be hidden. So the process begins! I am very excited. I said I wouldn't get another one, but I just feel like I want to. Maybe 2 is my number? We will see! I love you mom, don't unlove me please. You will love it I promise, I would never get something you wouldn't approve of .
So yes, that is all. Ryan has a hockey game tonight in about 2 hours, so that will be great. Then who knows. Maybe some more homework we will see. 

 Before I know it, I'll be walking out to this.... ughhhh snow :( stay far far away for as long as possible pleaaaase!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Starting over?

I feel like a lot has happened in the last couple days, and really nothing has haha. I just tend to get myself worked up over something that's really not that big of a deal. As most of you know, I got a new job when we got back from Effingham, and I really do like this job. Somehow I find myself enjoying it, when usually I am cleaning toilets or mopping lol. I think the part of it that I really liked was that I got home at about 3 in the afternoon, and working in the morning goes by really fast.
Now with that being said, there is an extremely bad side to this job. That is basically the only shift there is, 6 am to 3 pm. Everyone works that shift. So I figured since I had online classes this semester it would all be okay. Well it's not. I get up pretty easily in the morning, and am awake and okay to work, but by 3 I am sooooooo tired. All I want to do when i get home is sleep. And I definitely know I do not want to be doin homework. So let's just say my grades have not been doing so hot. I have 4 tests next week and I have not studied for any of them. I am basically just hoping to pass them.
I recently decided to change my major to nursing. I kind of have done this before but not officially. I just started taking the pre classes for it. Then I decided I wanted to just go back and do psychology. And now I know that I want to do nursing. What great timing hu? I could be finished already..... I have been out of high school long enough to already have this degree. But I was so undecided with what I wanted, all I was doing was changing my mind all the time. And moving here to Utah, we had to take all of their general classes that did not transfer over.
So basically, I am just now starting, well I will be in the fall. This makes me extremely upset, knowing I am this behind, when I could be finished, but I am not giving up. I am going to do something great with myself, not only for myself, but for Ryan and our future family. 
Back to the original story, I told my boss about it, and I am basically "quitting". I don't like saying that, because it sounds so bad. I feel awful about it too, they are all so sweet, but I have to do what is best for me. I am going to keep looking for a new job, that can work more flexibly with my school schedule. 
That is the news!! Not last night, but the night before was when I planned that I was going to tell her. I could not sleep for the life of me. I was so nervous, and felt so awful. I am just glad it went well, and she was extremely sweet about it. She actually wanted to keep me working, because she said I was a great worker, but she understands that school comes first. 
Yes, ma'am. That's the news in my life for the last couple days. Nothing too cool, but it has been a constant thing. Always on my mind, feeling bad, and not knowing what to say. I'm just lucky to work with amazing, understanding people. 
New job......... call me ;) hahaha I'll be waiting. Randi needs monies lol

The reason for anything, and everything I do ^^^^^ I love him 

"You make me smile like the sun
Fall outta bed
Sing like a bird
Dizzy in my head
Spin like a record crazy on a Sunday night
You make me dance like a fool
Forget how to breathe
Shine like gold
Buzz like a bee
Just the thought of you can drive me wild.... oh you make me smile! "

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Last night of vacation for a while, and I'm really sad about it. It feels like work has taken over my life, and it's not supposed to do that just yet! lol. School is supposed to be my life right now, but it has taken a back burner to work. Now, I will admit that I do like my job, and I love the people I work with, so I do not mind going, it's just such a tiring/time consuming job. Oh well, gotta get a paycheck right?

Ryan had his official first hockey game of the season and he did absolutely amazing! He scored 3 goals and got one assist. He was the star of the team haha, but seriously he was. I was proud. I have some pictures that I took but my phone won't send them for some reason. But eventually I will get them up.
Got myself a dentist appointment finally. First time since I have been in Utah, actually the first time in several years... I know *tisk tisk*, but they have just been so darn sensitive lately, that I can't take it much longer. So got that settled, not till November so hopefully my teeth don't fall out before then haha. And finally got a meeting set up with my counselor to change my major!! I'm excited but nervous at the same time. This is for me, and I know it, I just gotta keep with it, and work hard!
Oh! Oh my goodness, I have been sitting here forever now trying to think about what to talk about... and I remembered something I was really looking forward to talking about... ahhhh goodness. I was wanting to speak about books! I know a lot of you out there do not read on a regular basis, but I love to read. I go through phases though, where I don't read for a while, then just read constantly. I just recently started a book called The Mermaid Chair by Sue Monk Kidd. It's the same lady that wrote Secret Life of Bees, which just so happens to be one of my favorite books ever! And so far it is pretty darn good. If any of you girls out there, or guys I guess like to read here are a few suggestions for you. They are mostly girly books though. Secret Life of Bees of course, The Pact by Jodi Picoult, The Host by Stephanie Meyer, anything by Carl Hiaasan (he is so great), The Hunger Games series, and lots and lots more I could recommend. I am trying to get back into my reading groove, because I really do love it.
So if anyone out there that is reading this, loves to read also, and has a really good book, you should let me know! We look at WalMart every week at the new books, and when we are in Provo we always go to the book store.

Well I'm off to work on some homework, because I work the next 5 days straight, and I'm going to wayyy to tired to work on homework. Have a great night everyone!

Miss me some H Dog!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Oh Snap!

As I have told you guys before, I am an addict to youtube. I am subscribed to about a zillion channels. Occasionally they will have giveaways for their subscribers. They will give away makeup products or purses, or just about anything you can think of. Well, one of the people I am subscribed to had a give away for some eyeshadows, and I entered. All you had to do was comment and tell her what your favorite eyeshadow is, and you were entered. Well guess who won! ME! I was soooo excited when I found out. I have entered quite a few contests on there and finally I won one. I couldn't believe it. So awesome. So I should be receiving them eventually! 
Today was kind of a sad day in a way. I took out all of my summer clothing and put in the winter clothes. Time has went by so fast! Today I wore jeans and a long sleeve shirt. It's pretty crazy. I know back home it has been in the 80s or something crazy. Before we know it, there is going to be snow on the ground here, and I am not looking forward to it, but I am prepared with my clothes now haha. 
Tomorrow is Ryan's first hockey game, so I plan on taking a ton of pictures. I am a proud girlfriend. :) Also, gotta pay some bills tomorrow, and maybe some needed shopping. We will see what happens. Oh and I have a meeting at work! I can't forget that..... better set an alarm, that would be bad if I missed it. I missed the last one because I was in San Diego so I can't miss this one. 
That's about all I have for tonight. Kinda a boring day, but also amazing day off. I loved it. Watched some True Blood and just hung out. So I'm gonna paint my nails and surf the web because I really do not want to work on schoolwork. Maybe I'll work on the scrapbook, that sounds like a great idea, I haven't done that in a LONG time. Welp, sorry this was boring today, but today was just a laid back day!
Love you guys, and miss you all like crazy!
From Utah with love,

 My girls, I love them so so much, and miss them like crazy! Love this picture, we were all so happy :)

Saturday, October 9, 2010


3 day vacation!!! Heck yeah! I am so excited for this. Today was a long day. I had to work 6:30am to about 7:15 pm. I had a break in there, but it kinda sucked knowing I had to go back. But it wasn't too bad, I had to train for the night shift. Went well, but I am so glad to be done for 3 days. 
So as the title says I am going to talk about religion. I hadn't been thinking about this, until my drive back to work after my lunch break today. A song came on the radio, and no matter when I hear this song, no matter where I am, or no matter who I am with, it instantly brings me to tears. It is such an amazing song, and absolutely beautiful. I will post a link for it, and definitely check it out, so you can see what I am talking about. 

Let's just say, there was instant bawling driving back to work. Now, I definitely think, if i was a person reading this I would be like "wow Randi, you are being such a hypocrite". And I say this because I do not go to church anymore. I was raised really religiously. I went to a private school from first to eighth grade, and went to church every weekend, sometimes twice a weekend. But as I grew up, I went less and less to church to the point where I do not go anymore, and I couldn't tell you the last time I did. 
I personally feel that if someone goes to church, but drinks and smokes, and sins outside of church makes them less devoted to God than someone like me. I do not smoke, and do not drink (if I do, it's like one drink once every so many months). I work to support myself and my boyfriend, and  when I'm not at work I am focusing on something positive such as school, my family, or my boyfriend. I believe that since I have stopped going to church I have become more of a loyal, faithful person to God. 
I have turned my life around, found the love of my life instead of just finding myself in awful relationships, and made some big life decisions. 
Jesus is in my heart, and we have our relationship there. I don't need to flaunt that to other people in a church or by being overly obnoxious about my religion. The people who do that only make me upset. You are not being true about your relationship with Jesus if you are only trying to pronounce it all the time, for others to see. 

So that was my little rant/talk. I know that I could be more involved in my faith, it can always use work. But my relationship is there, and I am happy with that. Jesus is doing some great things for us right now. He is bringing Ryan's family all together here in Utah, he is leading me to my true life career (slowly with some speedbumps), but I know I'm getting there, and he brought me to Ryan. Although we may not see it, his little works are all around us, you just really gotta take time sometimes to look for them. 

So on a normal note, Ronnie is up on the mountain huntin for an elk.... so hopefully he comes home with one! That would be so great. Fill up the freezer for a long time haha. 
Tomorrow is a lay around all day/ watch True Blood day. And let me tell you I can NOT wait :) :) haha. 
Well, hope this doesn't offend anyone, but it's just my opinion and some things today lead me to want to write about this today.

                                      Early morning at work.... was super tired.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

My favorites at the moment!

Okay so here we go. I said I was going to do my favorites of just about everything right now. Give some people ideas of things to check out, and for girls I'll talk about makeup and clothes stuff like that. Because like I said I could never do youtube, nobody would want to watch me haha.And I know I enjoy knowing about things before I buy it, or watch it, or whatever it should be. So yep, here goes nothing! :)

First of all my favorite show right now definitely has to be True Blood. We are not caught up with the series, we are renting through Netflix, but I just can not get enough of it. I love Sookie, she's so great. I guess that takes me into something else. I would recommend people joining Netflix. Blockbusters are officially going out of business, so we are all going to have to find somewhere else to turn. Netflix!! It's cheap, and you can get whatever you should want, also you get free streaming to your tv, through an X Box or other things. The streaming has movies, tv shows, just about every genre of everything. So look into it! 
My favorite song at the moment is Ego by Beyonce, or Smash Into You also by Beyonce. I'm not really up with the times on music, because I have an Ipod and I just listen to what's on it, and don't know what's new and cool. So this is probably old songs, but I'm loving them a lot right now. Check them out, I know you will like them... so do it!

I guess I could also say some other shows I am watching at the moment but they aren't really a surprise or anything. Jersey Shore and Teen Mom. Yeah, I'm one of those girls. I can't get enough of those shows. I am behind on Teen Mom because the MTV website is not working on that episode... :( so soon enough I will catch up. Also!! On October 31st aka Halloween, a new tv show on AMC will be starting, called The Walking Dead. It's by the guy that did Shawshank Redemption, Green Mile, and The Mist. Zombies!! Ahhh it's going to be great. Be sure to watch that on Halloween, perfect opening night!
Hockey is the next favorite. I'm not the biggest fan, and I watch it because of my boyfriend, but seeing how happy it makes him not only watching it but playing it makes me really enjoy it, and learn more about it. Even if you aren't really that into sports, I think you would enjoy watching hockey, it's a pretty awesome sport to watch. Go Devils :) haha

Now onto the girly stuff. As for makeup I am all about cheap. I don't use foundation so I couldn't help you out in the area. I was going to start using it but its tooooo expensive. Mascara is my thing. Right now I am using Maybelline The Falsies, which I like a lot. And I also use Rimmel London The Max Volume Flash (pink bottle). Both of them are great! But I love trying different ones. The next one I plan on getting is Voluminous. I've mainly been using a color called Precious Taupe for eyeshadow, it's from Avon. I have had it forever, and found it in my drawer, so I don't know if they still sell it. All of my other eyeshadows are LA Colors. All the palettes are a dollar at the Dollar Tree. I really like them. I don't know if they are for everyone though, I'm just a cheapy and make it work. That's about all for makeup... I don't wear a lot. I'm lazy haha. 
For perfume I mostly use Bath and Body Works body mists or whatever. Fresh Cotton, Twilight Woods, Rainkissed Leaves, or Deep Aqua. For perfume it's Sunflowers or DKNY Be Delicious (the Green Apple). Those are all the perfumes I own haha, and I switch it up every day. 
Shampoo and Conditioner will always be Herbal Essences Long Term Relationship. Smells amazing, and makes my hair feel awesome. 

As for clothes, it is getting colder so the wardrobe is changing up a bit. Now I'm shopping for lots of cardigans. I love a cardigan over a plain shirt with a nice long necklace. Jeans and cardigans is what my wardrobe consists of. And sweatshirts of course. 
Last but not least, I will have to say candles are always on my favorites list. But the smell right now that we are loving is Pumpkin Spice. Such a great fall smell, especially with Halloween coming up.

Oh wait!!! Also, Cinnabon cereal... YUMMMMMY!!! love love love it! It's new, so go get it! You will not be disappointed, at least I wasn't. 

Well that was long, but I like informing everyone, cause I know I like to hear other people's, it helps with the decision making process when you are at the store!

If you didn't enjoy that, I'm really sorry. But someone out there will hopefully find something they will like from this! Oh p.s. get paid tomorrow, and got the stub today.... Randi is very happy.... all the hard work, early mornings, and long days, paid off :)