Thursday, April 14, 2011

What!? I'm addicted!!

Second post of the day. Boy am I on a roll...... not really, just bored. So I had to run errands today. Those consisted of going to the post office to send my father something, drop off a movie at Blockbuster, go by work and get my schedule, and go to Walmart to get toppings for our yogurt in class tonight. On Tuesday we made yogurt as our lab project. So today we are going to eat it, but it's plain yogurt so we are supposed to bring toppings to make it taste better haha. I bought vanilla and almond granola and m&ms. Well now, that that was extremely uninformative, I guess I will get to the point haha.
While at Walmart, I browsed..... per usual. I did have a arm full of stuff. But I resisted and put it all back, but on my way out I stopped by the jewelry. They had earrings and necklaces for ONE DOLLAR! Yes, one dollar. I was just ecstatic. If you know me I am extremely cheap when it comes to myself, I don't like spending more than $8 on shirts, clothing, jewelry, etc. The only thing I am some what not cheap on is jeans, but I only go to about $20 for those. When it comes to my family, puppy, or boyfriend, I will go all out, but for myself I can't find the reason to. So I took pictures of the earrings and will post them!
They are kind of hard to see in the picture but they are mixed gold and silver. I love them. And this last picture is the last pair that I got. They just happened to match my outfit today..... how convenient! :)
I have officially pulled out the summer clothes. They have been up in the room for a while but I decided to start putting my tank tops under some cardigans and I love it! 
Alright, so now on to some more FUN stuff lol. I finished my book today, and it was excellent! So for those of you out there that like to read, you should get this book. It's at Walmart too, so you won't have to order it or anything. 
Now I am going to start my new book! I think I blogged a while back about a book called Kissed by an Angel. It had three books in one, well the book I am reading next is a sequel to those. So I am very very excited!! I loved those books! Well I just love that author in general, I have all but 2 of her books (I do plan on getting those two though! haha). This book is also at Walmart, but the first books in the series are not, so if you want to read them you will have to order them or go to a Barnes and Noble or something.
Well that was fun!This was a good post! Talked about my two addictions, well two of many... shopping and reading! lol Hopefully I will be blogging soon about classes and what not. Or maybe something good will happen.... doubt it, but MAYBE! Welp talk to ya'll later! Love you all.

School and Work, School and Work

This week has been extremely busy! I worked Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday, 6 to 3. And on Saturday and Sunday I stayed until 8 that night. So it has been really hectic, but nice because I need to stay busy. I finally got my LPN application!!! Tomorrow I am going to bring it into work, and have the nurses help me, and give the two that I talked to the reference forms. I requested my transcripts from Lakeland, and need to call the high school and have them send me those. Gonna get this started so I can get it in as early as possible.
Speaking of school, I signed up for my summer classes, well 2 of the 3. I was going to have to take 4 but one of them interferes with another, so I have to take it next summer. I am taking an art class to go towards my associates degree, and I also am taking Physiology again. I have to have a B minus in that class for RN. I am also going to take a math class, but I have to retake the placement test. So that is on the schedule for tomorrow! 
Today we start our presentations in my Micro class, but guess who isn't ready!? Yep that would be me. So he said we are going to go with volunteers, so I am just NOT going to volunteer so I have the weekend to finish it. 
I am considering getting a second job to keep myself busy all the time. I need to be out of here doing something or I go crazy. I work all this weekend, and some of next week, so I don't know if I should or not. I will have summer school and still work at the care center. I just feel like it's not enough! What should I do!?
I have more to blog about but I am going to make a different blog for all of that information! K? Check it out! 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Where has time gone?!

I almost forgot I had this blog account.... just kidding. I never forgot I just haven't had the time to write in it! So much has happened, and we have been really busy lately. Well, busy for us anyways. First news is that Ryan got a job! Yayy! He is actually at his training deal today. So we were extremely happy for that. 

Also, we moved! April and Ron found the house that April has always wanted, and it took a LONG time for paperwork and all of that stupid stuff the banks have to do. But we are finally all moved in, and all very ecstatic to be in a house, and not cramped in that tiny apartment anymore. I posted pictures on my facebook. If you are reading this, we are friends on facebook, so you should check the pictures out! 

And the best, and my favorite news of all....... we got a puppy!!! Yes, and he is absolutely perfect. He couldn't be more perfect for Ryan and I. And of course he is adorable! Everyone just can't get enough of him. We took him for his first haircut last week and the ladies were all so smitten with him. I love him so much. So Ryan and I have our own little family now! Avery is definitely a little hellion though! He loves to play and tries to get all the cats to play with him. And Boss hates it because Avery is always jumping on him trying to get him to play, but Boss is just soooo lazy he doesn't wanna do anything. Bella and Avery are best buds though. They love to go outside and roll around in the back yard. He is doing great with potty training, he has only had a few accidents since we have been in the house. He sleeps through the night, but around 7:30 in the morning he is ready to be up and running around. I feel like we had a baby! lol I tell everyone about him and stories about him. I just love him so so much. 
Avery bug in his favorite spot. Just look at that face! Gotta love him. 

Well tomorrow is my birthday, and I have to go to class for 4 hours, then work for 4 hours haha. What a birthday hu? But I took off Thursday - Sunday, so we are planning on either going to Colorado or up to Provo this weekend to go shopping and to Jimmy Johns! Yes, Jimmy Johns. Those of you in Effingham probably think I'm crazy, but we don't have one here, and I miss it like crazy! So I shall have some this weekend, and love every second of it! lol
School only has about a month left, and it will be summer! This week I am going to put in my application for the LPN program, so I will be a nervous wreck till about July when I find out if I made it. So fingers crossed!

I will try and write in here more! I really do enjoy it but sometimes the days just go by so fast, and I feel like I can't find the time. Although I know I always have free time. So I'll definitely get back into a groove!
Love you all! Hope you are having a wonderful start to your Spring!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm on Jersey Shore? Yeeeeaaahhh

School is just so darn frustrating! Well at least parts of it is. As I said in my last blog, I really do love my Micro class. It is a lot of fun, and it really interests me. I am still not signed up for my CNA class and Medical Terminology. They were supposed to have the books in last Thursday and they still are not in. What is their deal!!? I can't do the class without the book, and I can't sign up because they are pay as you go courses, so I could have paid for it a couple weeks ago, and still not have my book now, with a wasted 2 weeks of a paid class. I gave them my number TWICE, and am still waiting for them to call me and say the books are in. I just called yesterday, so if they don't call me tomorrow, I am calling again. Yes, I will be that annoying girl that calls all the time. I don't care because I have to have them finished and have my clinicals finished by June 1, in order to have a chance to get into the LPN program in the fall. 
Well, that's enough of that. I have been looking through the classifieds online to find myself a puppy. Ryan and I plan on getting a puppy!! How exciting right? We really want a St. Bernard but we are going to hold off on that until we have our own place. So then we were looking at Border Collies, but we already have Bella (Chris's dog) and she is a Blue Heeler, plus Boss (a pug), so we figured we need to get a small dog, and April agreed. So I think we are going for a Yorkie!!! Everyone knows how much I love Yorkies! Makes me miss Izzy and Kada just talking about it. Love them to death. 
We have already started throwing out names, but we haven't decided. We have time to think about it. We probably won't actually get him until around middle or end of March. And yes, it will be a boy, we hope! I love Izzy to death (she's my little princess at home), but Ryan will take more kindly to the idea of a Yorkie if it is a boy. So far the names we have come up with are.... Ryan's choice - Gaborik. My choice - Ollie. I love them both! Those are just our first ideas, but like I said we have time to think of more and weigh our options. I am just so excited! I have a feeling we will name it something movie related, because that is just how we are! Maybe a Cujo or Leo. We will see!
Time to lay down and hang with Snooki. I just love her book so much. It is not the best writing, but it is very entertaining! I had a dream last night that she and I were best friends and went out to the club, and Pauly and Vinny were there. I was basically on Jersey Shore.... wowwwww...... maybe I should stop reading before bed! LOL
Goodnight everyone! Love you all!

CLICK ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It's that time again!

School is here again! I started out taking Pre Calculus and Microbiology. I had to go through some paper work and a few phone calls before I could start my Medical Terminology and CNA course. Yes, I have already been certified as a CNA  a few years ago, but I never worked with it, so it expired. Also, now that I am in a different state I have to recertify anyways, so it doesn't bother me too much to have to take the class again. 
Pre Calculus was awful!! The class was distance learning, which if you don't know what that is, it is when the teacher is at a different school and you watch him over a tv, and use microphones to communicate with them. I really don't mind classes like that, but it is math, and that is hard enough for me when there is a teacher in front of me teaching it. On top of that, he was foreign and I could barely understand him. He taught so fast, and I was lost on the second day!! I am the only one in that class so I was sitting there alone in this room just crying because I was so confused. I went out to the ladies at the student service desk and they said that a lot of students end up dropping this particular teacher's class because they find it difficult as well. So I ended up dropping the class with plans to sign back up maybe in the summer or next year with the best math teacher they have. I had her for my Math 1010 class and she was pretty awesome.
As for Microbiology, I LOVE it! My teacher is great and the class is a lot of fun. Of course there is a lot of information, and he has to move fast to get through it all, but he makes me excited for the class and makes me excited to learn. Don't you just love teachers like that?!
My book for Med Term should be in today (they were out), and all of the things that they needed should have been in today or yesterday, so HOPEFULLY I can go get signed up today and get started! Life is about to get busy, but I am fortunate enough to have a great boss at work that works great with my school schedule, so I shouldn't get too overwhelmed. 
Class tonight 5:30-8 then Jersey Shore!! Ahhh I'm addicted, drama drama! haha
Have a great night everyone!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


It is so difficult for me to keep my eyes open right now. I feel like I am torturing myself, but it really is for the best. I need to stay up late tonight because I HAVE to get to sleep early tomorrow night. Thursday I have to work from 6:30am to 3 then I have class from 5:30-8:30. So I have a LONG day on Thursday, then I have to wake up and be to work by 6:30 again on Friday. I am extremely happy about going to work and having hours, it feels like it has been a while, I just have had a problem with sleeping lately so I have been up late every night. So hopefully this will help me these next couple days. Like I said I have been staying up late recently, like bad late, but tonight it's just so difficult for me.
I found out today from the counselor at the college that there is a slim chance of me getting into the LPN program in the fall. They only accept 24 students for the program and in my class tonight there was about 20 of us going for the LPN in the fall. And that is only one class! I can only imagine how many others there are out there. They go by a point system and some of the points include being on the list last year, being a resident, having certain licenses, etc. Well I basically qualify for about 2 of the options..... and one is having good grades on the prerequisites, and for 2 of them I have had Cs. Sooooo I almost had a panic attack, because that means I have a very slim chance of making it, but I am still going to work my butt off and apply come March and see what happens! If it doesn't work out, I will work and take some other classes till the next fall. Hopefully all goes well and I get in! Fingers crossed :)
That is about all for now. I have class tomorrow morning then have all day to do whatever. I'll probably work on my math problems or read my micro chapters. We will see what happens.
Talk to ya later!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

School and Sales

School starts tomorrow! Yikes, where did Christmas break go!? Time went by really fast, but time always goes by fast even though we don't realize it. We will have been in Utah for 2 years come April. So crazy!
But yes, I go back to school in the morning. Last semester all of my classes were online, and I thought I would be okay with that, but it sucked. You don't know how much you appreciate being in classroom listening to a teacher until you take online classes. So I am kind of excited to be going back, plus I changed my major so.... fun fun! I have math tomorrow morning, and I had to go and buy a calculator today for the class. $114! And I will probably only need it for this class, until I take a math for meds class or something like that, but I won't need such a complicated one. Ohhhh well, if I need it, I need it right?
My school bag is all packed and ready! This is the bag I bought a while back that I blogged about! :)

Walgreens has been having AMAZING sales lately. I don't know if this is just a normal thing for Walgreens because I don't ever shop there, but I went in there a few days ago and found some awesome deals. We love candles, so not surprisingly, I went straight to their candle section. They weren't really "on sale" but they were about the same price that you would pay at Walmart or Kmart and they had some cool smelling ones. Bath and Body Works has a candle that is supposed to smell like a fire burning in a fireplace. Ryan and I used to always build a fire in his parent's fireplace whenever we still lived in Effingham, so I really wanted to try this candle. Walgreens just happened to have basically the same candle! So of course I got it! And I got a "Refreshing" candle as well because I couldn't decide on just one haha. 

They also had a lot of hair care items on sale, but I didn't take pictures of them. I got some conditioner and deep conditioning treatments for April and I to share, and hairspray, just some random things. Today I went back to see if they had like mousse and gel on sale because I needed a new one, and figured I would look there before I go to Walmart and spend full price. And I found these. Keep in mind I spent about $2 each on these. Pretty darn great!
So if you are extremely a sucker for sales, like me, head to Walgreens and check everything out! Plus there was a lot of makeup on sale, and all of the Christmas items were marked down 75%. 
So there ya go! Oh I took that picture the night I burnt my hair :( Probably an hour before I did it. Woww I'm stupid, never gonna forget that night. haha
Goodnight guys!