Friday, September 10, 2010

Fantastic Friday!!!

Today was absolutely wonderful. Last night was not so wonderful. I was woken up at 4 am by a very frustrated hockey club, that Ryan plays online with. I was so tired, and then when I was woken up I did not feel well at all. I eventually got back to sleep, and woke up around 10:30 in the morning, which is unusually early for me...especially after the night before. But today actually ended up being a great day.
I was awake and online checking my school stuff and facebook when my phone rang. I was expecting it to be one of my parents because they tend to call me around then and wonder why I sleep so late haha. But it was a 435 number which is a Vernal number. Boy was I ecstatic! I have been working my butt off to get a job lately, putting in applications and writing cover letters, making a resume (which the site ended up wanting me to pay for, so I do not have anymore), and just all of those annoying things you have to do to get a job. It was the second place I had put an application into! When I went in the first time, the lady I was supposed to talk to was not there, so she was going to call me. It has been two weeks since then so I was very surprised to hear it was her.
It is at a nursing home, doing housekeeping, laundry, and general cleaning. The lady I had an interview with today was such an nice woman. She definitely made me feel at ease, and was not a scary boss whatsoever. 
It was definitely difficult for me to get back into the mind frame of being in a nursing home again. In Health Occ, in high school we worked in a nursing home, so it had been a long time since I had been in one. It was a very sad feeling, I felt like crying several times. But I know I have to be strong and happy for them and make their time there a great experience. 
Anyway, back to the interview, we spoke in her office for a while just about what the job consists of, and general job things like days off, how often I'll work, you know job stuff! haha 
Well then she walked me around the facility to show me where we would clean and what we would do. She was very friendly and made it easy for me to feel at ease and not overwhelmed. She told me she thought I was 14! Lol, I told her I get that a lot! 
After our about 40-45 meeting/interview, she walked me out and told me that she was really very happy that she was able to meet me. The best part was, she leaned over and kinda whispered "I really think you'll get it, don't worry." Oh my goodness that made me so happy! So I should receive a call on Monday morning telling me whether I got the job or not. It is all in the hands of the head manager, so I guess we will find out!
Not only did I get an interview today, but Ryan got called from a potential job place for an interview on Monday. We have been working so hard to put in applications and waiting patiently and all this good news in one day.... boy was it exciting. So Monday is our day! We will see what happens.
We then went to Walmart because I needed some shampoo and conditioner, then came home and relaxed. And we are now finishing the night off with some shakes from Sonic. It is God's gift to me to bring a Sonic to Vernal. I absolutely LOVE Sonic. Unfortunately, since we haven't had jobs yet, we have been unable to eat there since we have been back, but I'll tell you now, we will soon be a familiar face around that place! :)
Great day all around! Hope this weekend is great. Tomorrow we are going to Ryan's uncle's house for his cousin Casey's birthday. They are having a cookout, so I know we are going to have a great time! 

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