Saturday, September 11, 2010


So since Ryan stopped talking to me, I figured I would give this other guy a chance. This other guy just happened to be Ryan's best friend. I know I was horrible.... a bad person. But it all worked out for the best. Ryan saw other girls and I dated this other guy for almost a year. Well, it did not work out. And I could not keep Ryan off my mind, so we had begun talking again. Eventually we started hanging out, but it was at the worst possible time. We had about 2 weeks before Ryan was leaving for college in Chicago. I was devastated. 
Guess who was going to Chicago... yep that would be me. I road the train up to Chicago to see Ryan two times, and he came home every weekend to see me. Plus talking every night, I just could not get enough of him. I was so smitten. When I was visiting once, he had already asked me several times "Will you just be my girlfriend already?" And I always said, oooh I dunno. Well one night we were laying in his bed in his dorm room, and I was just like "Okay." He's like "Okay what?" "Okay I'll be your girlfriend :) :)." That was at midnight on September 11th 2008. :)  Ryan soon felt like he did not have enough time with me, and missed me, just as I missed him so so much. So he moved back home.
Not long after this, we decided we were going to move to Utah with his family. 
We had only been together for 6 months before we decided to move to Utah together, but it was the best decision I could ever make, because I know I would of lost the love of my life if I hadn't. 
A funny story though, is when I was dating someone else, I came home crying one night to my mom about how they were being an awful boyfriend, and I am confused about my feelings because there was someone on my mind all the time (aka Ryan). This was at the time when Ryan was not speaking to me, which lasted a good 5 or more months. She says " Randi, you need to be with who you care about, and who makes you happy." And I said, in between sobs, "Mom, I know who I love, and who I want to be with but I messed that up and he will never want to speak to me again!" 
I knew he was the love of my life before we were even dating, my heart would almost beat out of my chest when I just saw him walk into work. Hearing his voice would put a smile on my face. 
Now, we have been together for 2 years, just the beginning :)

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