Thursday, September 9, 2010


Today started off kinda weird over here in the land of Utah. First of all it is freezing cold outside and super windy. Soon we are going to wake up to snow, and it is really going to bum me out. I am not a snow person whatsoever, and if you didn't know that already you are soon going to find out, because I am sure I am going to complain about it sooo much when it decides to make an appearance. But anyways! back to my story, I woke up to the alarm this morning at 9 because Ryan has class. Dylan and April were both up also because they had to go up to Provo today. Well I hear Miley Cyrus's song, When I Look at You, you know the one from The Last Song. This is a strange occurance in this house, because usually all you hear is Dylan's rap or something that is NOT Miley Cyrus. Then it just stops, and starts again. First I start thinking Dylan has seen the light over night, and has chosen the right path in life and has started listening to Miley. Because that of course is the way to be! ( I LOVE Miley) haha. 
Well, then Kevin decides to come into the room because Ryan left the door open when he went in the bathroom. Kevin Bacon is one of the cats. And Kevin can not be very discrete when he comes into a room. He makes a lot of noise, and has a problem with sneezing. So he tries to sneak in here and jumps on the bed. I of course push him off and try to shoo him out of the room because I do not want snot on me, I wasn't even fully awake yet. He decides to try again.... and again.... and again. He was very persistant. Finally, he decides to make his exit, and I was very happy for this because I was tired! CYA KEVIN.
So it is extremely loud outside of the apartment in the mornings, around say 8ish. Behind the apartment there is a vet clinic for larger animals, like cows and horses. So you hear them making sooo much noise, especially when they stick their hands up their butts, whatever they are doing there. And right next to that is a daycare, so there is about a zillion little kids screaming at the top of their lungs. So this singing/music I had heard was pretty soothing. Then I hear it again, but it's country music this time. It is actually amazing! Come to find out, the neighbor was singing! It was soooo beautiful. I hate our neighbors so it was very shocking. They like to yell at each other at 4 AM and wake everyone up. It was hard to believe it could be the same people. At least I assumed it was them because there is only people on one side of us. 
So this morning started off kinda weird and different, but the day has begun, and I am off to do homework and continue my usual boring day. Lots of homework and quizzes to work on!
Hopefully Ryan gets his school books today and possibly a nice check in the mail from the school. We were planning on going and getting icecream today but since it's pretty cold out, we are probably just going to treat ourselves to lunch later on. 
Have a great day everyone! I love you and miss you! 11 dayssss :D :D :D :D 

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